A Single Man Studio

I am Nathaniel Hukel and I love pizza.

Basically, I am a graphic artist and technology enthusiast.

Though, I love to do just about anything, from nagging my girlfriend to painting pictures with words. I also have explored almost the entirety of the internet and you will probably find me floating around in there somewhere. I have a problem of leaving myself behind somehow. I have a problem. I know.


This is me.

First off ... 

That is me over there.
Weird looking right?
Anyways, remember how I said that I left parts of me all over the webby webs? Well I am about to show you some of them below.

  1. This is my personal G+ profile which I use to post updates to Play Store items, pieces of graphic design, and random randomness.

  2. On XDA I haven't been very active, mainly due to the threads I use having millions of people in them. I mean, seriously. You can still find me on there and the things I have done.

  3. Twitter, Twitter, Twitter. I just put thoughts in there.

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